The Peyton Nalle Rhodes Society
The Peyton Nalle Rhodes Society is the highest recognition afforded to supporters of Rhodes College: those who have contributed $5 million. On July 1, 1984, the college was named Rhodes College in recognition of the devotion, warmth, scholarship, vision, and inspiring example Peyton Nalle Rhodes bestowed upon it in his more than 50 years of service. The Peyton Nalle Rhodes Society was established January 12, 2017, to honor those, who like him, have made lifetime contributions to Rhodes College.
The Benefactors’ Circle
Open to individuals, corporations, or foundations whose commitments total $1 million or more, the Benefactors’ Circle acknowledges the leadership role of those whose gifts have helped to make Rhodes one of the world’s outstanding liberal arts colleges. The $1 million in commitments which qualify a donor for membership in the Benefactors’ Circle can include the present value of irrevocable gifts at the time the gift is made.
The Bellingrath Society
The Bellingrath Society recognizes donors whose concern for the future strength of Rhodes has led them to make significant deferred gifts to the college.
It is named in honor of Walter D. Bellingrath, one of Rhodes’ most substantial benefactors, whose $22 million estate gift helped to propel the college to new levels of strength, service, and recognition. The Bellingrath Society is open to those who have made deferred commitments of at least $1 million for Rhodes. These deferred commitments may include will provisions, charitable trusts and charitable gift annuities.
Members of the Bellingrath Society have their names inscribed on the Bellingrath Society wall in Southwestern Hall. In addition, they are listed in the Honor Roll of Donors.
The Ralph C. Hon Society
The Ralph C. Hon Society recognizes donors who have shown their dedication to Rhodes and its mission through generous deferred commitments which help to ensure the college's continuing success.
It is named in honor of Dr. Ralph C. Hon, who made a profound and lasting impact on both his students and fellow faculty during his more than 40 years at the college. Dr. Hon joined the faculty of Southwestern in 1931, and shortly thereafter put together a proposal that became the basis for Rhodes' merit scholarship program.
Dr. Hon was a professor of economics at Rhodes until 1973. He died on September 1, 1999 at the age of 96, leaving the college almost $10 million which was used to continue the scholarship program in which he so passionately believed. In honor of his legacy, The Ralph C. Hon Society recognizes individuals who make Rhodes a beneficiary of their estate plans, including will provisions, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts. The names of each member of the society are listed in the Honor Roll of Donors and on The Ralph C. Hon Society plaque in Southwestern Hall.
Young Benefactors’ Society
The Young Benefactors’ Society will recognize donors who have not yet celebrated their tenth reunion and who have made a gift of $100 or more for three (3) consecutive years. Those who commit to a three-year pledge of at least $100 per year will be included in the Young Benefactors’ Society upon the making of the pledge. Gifts to any designation count for the purposes of inclusion in the Young Benefactors’ Society.
Oak Alley Society
The Oak Alley Society recognizes and honors the loyal alumni, parents, and friends who support the College consistently over time. This society is not about how much you give, but the act of giving, year after year. The Oak Alley Society will recognize those who have made a gift of any size to any designation for the last five (5) consecutive years.