Commencement for the Class of 2024 happens May 11, 2024!
Commencement in Hubert F. Fisher Memorial Garden is a time-honored Rhodes tradition. We are looking forward to holding the ceremony in the garden this year. Please save the following tentative information regarding dates, times, and tickets for the graduation exercises. We will be updating this information regularly.
*For planning purposes, please note the graduates have a required rehearsal on Friday, May 10, at 9:30 a.m. Specific details to come.
If during your planning you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Shantih Smythe ’92, P’26, or call College Events (901) 843-3888.
Caps and Gowns: Get Your Regalia
Wednesday, May 8, 1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Check-in for Regalia, Halliburton Patio, Southwestern Hall
Regalia Distribution, Second Floor classrooms (by last name), Southwestern Hall
Gift from Alumni Relations, Hardie Auditorium, Southwestern Hall
Seniors must complete the Senior Exit Survey before picking up their academic regalia (cap, gown, and hood). In addition, seniors must be officially cleared by the Registrar and the Bursar to receive their regalia. See the Clearance Checklist.
Friday, May 10, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. CT, Bryan Campus Life Center
Rhodes' Baccalaureate service is a modern, inclusive celebration of our graduating students, and a time to express gratitude to those who have helped them in their journey along the way. Members of the graduating class will wear their caps and gowns and sit together as a group. Each graduating senior will receive four (4) tickets for Baccalaureate, which is held in the Multi-Sports Forum of the Bryan Campus Life Center. Those without tickets may watch the ceremony from the McCallum Ballroom in the Bryan Campus Life Center. The ceremony will also be streamed live from the Rhodes home page. Business attire is appropriate for this ceremony.
The handicap drop-off entrance is located on the north side of the Bryan Campus Life Center across from the tennis courts. Handicap parking can be found in the lot to the east of the building.
Friday, May 10, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m., McCallum Ballroom, Bryan Campus Life Center
The Mosaic Graduation Celebration is a time for us to come together as a community to celebrate graduating seniors from underserved backgrounds. We want to intentionally celebrate our students of color, first-gen students, members of our cultural orgs, and MVP graduates. Reception to follow in the Lynx Lair.
Saturday, May 11, 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. CT, Fisher Garden Campus Map (Downloadable PDF)
Each senior participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive six (6) tickets for outdoor seating* in Fisher Garden. Full ceremony time is typically two hours. For loved ones who are not seated in Fisher Garden, the ceremony will be streamed live on the Rhodes homepage (, as well as in various locations on campus. In addition, the livestream will include closed captioning for anyone in need of hearing assistance. (If it has rained during the week of Commencement, the ground will be soft. I do NOT recommend wearing heels or open toe shoes.)
Fisher Garden will open for guests at 7:30 a.m. Please make sure to have your ticket with you. If you need handicap drop-off, pull up to the guard house at the Phillips Lane entrance. They will direct you to the access point for Fisher Garden and the handicap parking.
In case of severe weather, Commencement will be held in the Multi-Sports Forum of the Bryan Campus Life Center. A decision to move graduation to the Multi-Sports Forum will be made Saturday morning. The announcement will be publicized on the Rhodes website and on social media. The main switchboard number (901-843-3000) will also have updated information.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Four (4) of the six tickets provided for seating in Fisher Garden can be used for seating in our rain site (the Multi-Sports Forum of the Bryan Campus Life Center). These tickets will be red in color. Those without indoor tickets may watch the ceremony at the following sites: McCallum Ballroom in the Bryan Campus Life Center; Blount Auditorium in Buckman Hall; the lobby of Burrow Hall; or McNeill Concert Hall on West Campus. The ceremony will also be streamed live from the Rhodes home page ( Rhodes College Homepage | Rhodes College ).
The Class of 2024, their families, and friends are invited to join Rhodes faculty and staff for refreshments in the Rollow Avenue of Oaks. If raining, the event will be held in the Catherine Burrow Refectory. Please note, there will be a photographer available in the Cloister of Southwestern Hall (Rhodes Seal) and Fisher Garden (weather permitting). These photos will be provided for complimentary download with a link to photos being sent to graduates approximately two weeks following Commencement.
If you are not receiving information by email, or if your information has changed, please update your contact information.