Travel brings textbooks to life.
More than 65 percent of Rhodes students take advantage of learning opportunities off-campus and in other countries, most often during their sophomore and junior years. And while language and culture are common subjects of study, specialized programs in anthropology, politics, and archaeology, to name a few, help students develop real-world skills in their discipline by putting themselves in the real world. In most cases, students pay tuition, room, and board as normal to Rhodes, including any federal and institutional aid they normally receive, which covers their tuition, room, and board while on the program.
How to Get Started
The Buckman Center for Global Engagement manages the off-campus and study abroad component for Rhodes College. To get started, explore the Online Portal for Off-Campus Study, which helps you plan ahead, search for your programs, and apply for programs.
Types of Programs
Rhodes Summer Programs - Every year, Rhodes faculty plan programs off-campus for Rhodes students. The Online Portal has a list of current programs. These are commonly referred to as Rhodes “Maymesters.”
ISEP and Bilateral Exchanges – Rhodes students have access to exchange programs worldwide and can use their portable institutional aid and scholarships to fund study abroad.
Affiliated Programs - In addition to Rhodes Programs and Exchange Programs, Rhodes has semester- and year-long Affiliated Partnerships with numerous other colleges, universities and international organizations. Students participating on an Affiliated Program pay tuition, room, and board (in some cases, partial or no board) to Rhodes and receive tuition, room and board (or partial or no board) on the off-campus program. Rhodes institutional aid and federal/state aid are portable for these programs. Credit earned on Affiliated programs is treated as transfer credit.
Email with any questions. We will get back to you promptly! Our office is located in Burrow Hall, lower level, (901) 843-3403.