There is nothing more important than supporting the safety of our campus community. To that end, we have invested heavily in a multi-layered campus safety approach, which includes:
- Iron exterior fencing
- Gatehouses staffed by campus safety officers
- 24/7 computer-aided dispatch system (901-843-3880 non-emergency) or (901-843-3333 emergency)
- 24/7 on-campus patrols with clearly marked Campus Safety vehicles
- Campus safety officers available to escort students to West Campus or other campus locations after dark
- More than 300 internet-based security cameras on campus, including eight with a license-plate reader that notifies the Memphis Police Department and Shelby County Sheriff’s Office if a stolen plate is identified on campus or on the perimeter streets
Third-party contract with a local security firm to provide armed safety patrols of the Rhodes College perimeter 24 hours, seven days a week
- Partnership with the Midtown Safety Alliance and the Memphis Police Department to increase MPD patrols in adjacent neighborhoods
- New poles with LED lights to improve lighting in parking lots
- Electronic key access for residence halls and an alert system that notifies the Campus Safety office if a door has been left propped open
- Mandatory safety training for students living off campus
Additionally, we have the following means of campus communication:
Rhodes Alert System
The college utilizes a mass communication system capable of emailing, texting, and calling all students, faculty, and staff in an emergency. This system is used to communicate delays and closures due to inclement weather and power outages and to alert the campus community if there is a present or continuing threat. Rhodes Alerts sent by text utilize Blackboard Connect.
Outdoor Warning System
In addition to the county-wide tornado siren, Rhodes has an outdoor emergency warning system capable of emitting sirens and tones throughout the campus. It can also send verbal instructions in cases of imminent danger.