50th Reunion Fundraising
Your 50th reunion is an opportunity to create a lasting legacy that reflects how Rhodes has shaped and enriched your life. For many alumni, the 50th Reunion Gift is an individualized expression of their relationship with Rhodes. It also allows them to make a significant impact on the lives of Rhodes students and plays a central role in their philanthropic and estate planning.
About the 50th Reunion Gift Program
In recognition of the importance of the 50th Reunion, Rhodes has established a new policy for counting reunion gifts. Many alumni choose to mark this once-in-a-lifetime occasion with a meaningful gift that dovetails personal philanthropic goals with the college’s priorities. A variety of options offer flexibility and allow gifts to be tailored to each class member’s individual priorities and circumstances. Starting after your 45th year and continuing through your 50th, every contribution you make to Rhodes, plus multi-year pledges committed by June 30 of your 50th year, will count in the reunion gift total for your class.
Rhodes recognizes a broad range of current and future gifts, extended over several years, as part of an individual's 50th Reunion gift. Current gifts, whether designated for annual or capital purposes, and future gifts established through estate plan provisions and other vehicles all count toward the total.
What counts?
Current gifts and pledges
The timeframe for current gifts and pledges spans nine years. It includes Annual Fund and Lynx Club gifts made beginning July 1st of the year of your 45th Reunion and continuing until your 50th Reunion year. It also includes pledges for gifts that will be fulfilled by June 30th of the fourth year following your 50th Reunion. Current gifts and pledges include the following:
- Annual Fund gifts and pledges;
- Lynx Club gifts and pledges;
- Capital gifts or pledges of cash, securities, mutual funds, and other liquid assets;
- IRA Charitable Rollover gifts;
- Life income gifts established or pledged, including:
- Charitable Gift Annuities (minimum gift $10,000);
- Charitable remainder trusts where Rhodes’ remainder interest is irrevocable; and
- Distributions or grants from charitable lead trusts, donor advised funds, or family foundations;
- Estate plan gifts received by your 50th Reunion;
- Gifts of tangible personal property, real estate, life insurance policies, or other non-liquid assets; and
- Employer matching gifts.
To be included in the 50th Reunion Gift, the college must receive Annual Fund and Lynx Club gifts and pledges by June 30th of your 50th reunion year. The deadline for all other gifts and pledges is the beginning of your 50th reunion.
Future Gifts
In order to be included in the 50th Reunion Gift, provisions creating future gifts to the college must be established and documented by your 50th Reunion. Future gifts include the following:
- Specific or residuary bequests in a will or living trust;
- Beneficiary designations for retirement accounts, bank accounts, annuities, and life insurance policies;
- Revocable remainder interests in a charitable or traditional trust or a donor advised fund; and
- Gifts pledged on behalf of an employee by an employer’s charitable giving program.