August 12, 2024
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
Nature (classification) | Case Number | Date/Time Reported | Date/Time Occurred | General Location | Disposition |
Theft | 20240008 | 06/22/2024 Time unknown | Trezevant Hall | Campus Safety-Closed |
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
Nature (classification) | Case Number | Date/Time Reported | Date/Time Occurred | General Location | Disposition |
Harassment | 20240007 | 07/30/2024 01:12 PM | On Campus, Snowden Ave. and University (Public Property) | Campus Safety-Open |
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.
Nature (classification) | Case Number | Date/Time Reported | Date/Time Occurred | General Location | Disposition |
Theft | 20230869 | 07/16/2024 08:00 pm to 07/18/2024 07:30 pm | Outside East Village Hall B | Campus Safety-Open |
There are no reported incidents for this day.
There are no reported incidents for this day.