Ambitious young writers from around the country participated in Rhodes’ 35th annual Summer Writing Institute.
Ivy Thompson, Institute student and Rhodes alum
"Being at the Writing Institute gave me a preview of what the English classes at Rhodes might be like as well as the opportunity to meet many new friends. Almost 20% of the people at the Institute went on to become freshman at Rhodes, so it was a little less intimidating having a group of people you already knew pretty well (versus most freshman who don′t know anyone). The Institute went a long way to further my skills as a writer, and it allowed me to develop in a different genre than I had in the past."
-Patrick Hoover, Institute student and Rhodes Alum
"The summer program at Rhodes gave me a unique opportunity to learn more about creative writing and gave me the confidence to continue writing in college. My fellow students were great, the professors were stimulating, and the setting was unbeatable-an amazing experience."
-Cleve Wiese, Institute student and Rhodes Alum
"I had a wonderful time at Rhodes this summer-my professor was challenging, but very eager to help, and the friendships and memories I made with people all over the country will last a lifetime."
-Caitlin Sullivan, Institute student and Rhodes Alum
"I had the time of my life that summer-really! It′s so wonderful to be around other kids who share that kind of desire for learning. The teachers make it fun, not work, and the RA′s were always willing to help us."
-Ashley Bowen, Institute student
"I wish I was back at Rhodes every time I walk in my English class. Nothing compares to that summer writing experience. I was in a class I enjoyed with a professor who was really knowledgeable and who taught what he did because he loved it. With only four hours in class and a good amount of freedom, there is no way to avoid your fellow students, and after the first day, you won′t want to. I met some fascinating, smart people I won′t soon forget, people I′d never expect to meet in my own school or neighborhood."
-Hale Shepherd, Institute student
"This program was awesome. I learned many things about writing and met really cool people. The professors helped us improve our writing, and the RAs showed us a true college experience. What else could you ask for?
-Sarah Gaputis, Institute student
"The Summer Writing Institute encouraged me to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone within writing and better prepared me for college. The Institute solidified my passion for writing. Now, as a Rhodes student, I’m more grateful than ever for my experience."
-Reid Brown, Institute and Rhodes student