What Students Say about History

Real comments from real Rhodes students about the Department of History:

“I worked as an Archival Studies Fellow which allowed me to tangibly work with history in a way that was productive for the community.”

“I think the strength of the History Department lies primarily in its professors.  They are wonderfully experienced, engaged, and definitely give the impression of genuinely caring about the well-being of their students, both in and out of the classroom.  They are a delight to learn from and, for
me, define the history department.”

“I learned to critically think and evaluate other people’s critical arguments. I also learned to articulate my own thoughts and write clearly and concisely.  I learned to research a topic through various mediums (books,
journal articles, online, archives, interviews).”

“The department is extremely accessible.  I have never felt scared to approach one of my professors with a question, a dilemma, or a personal issue.  I think that stands out above other majors I have watched my friends complete, and it’s a huge asset for the department.  Also, our classes are

“The wealth of different topics offered for courses, and the amazing internship/fellowship opportunities!  No other department has opportunities to this extent.  In addition, as a bridge major who also has a minor, I would say that History by far has the tightest knit community of any academic department.”