Physics Alumnus Joshua Fuchs ’11 Tells Students How To Get Started in Undergraduate Research

Rhodes alumnus Joshua Fuchs has published “Getting Started in Undergraduate Research” in Astrobites, a daily astrophysical literature journal that summarizes astronomy articles at a level understandable by undergraduate physics students. It is written by a team of graduate students at universities around the world.

Fuchs, graduated with honors with a B.S. in physics from Rhodes in 2011. He currently is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where his research interests involve highly magnetic cataclysmic variable stars.

At Rhodes, he held the Jack H. Taylor Fellowship in Physics and was a NASA Student Ambassador for the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.

He was one of only two U.S. students selected by the national Society of Physics Students to receive an Outstanding Student Award for Undergraduate Research, which earned him the opportunity to present his research to the international physics community in Croatia.