Nasong'o Publishes New Book on African Immigrants and the American Experience

image of Prof. Shadrack W. Nasong'o on Rhodes College campus

Dr. Shadrack W. Nasong'o, professor of international studies at Rhodes, is co-editor of the new book African Immigrants and the American Experience: Race, Anti-Black Violence, and the Quest for the American Dream (Lexington Books, 2023) with Imali J. Abala and Kefa M. Otiso.

According to the book’s site: Divided into three sections, each chapter focuses on these main themes: race and anti-black violence, educational attainment among African immigrants in pursuit of the American dream, and African immigrant’s socioeconomics, health, and well-being. Through research and first-hand accounts, the contributors provide perspectives of what it truly means to be a sub-Saharan African immigrant in the United States.

Born and raised in Western Kenya, Nasong’o is a prominent critical voice on African politics and has been widely recognized for his prolific research and scholarship on Africa.