Rhodes Exhibit Unpacks Emotional Elements of Place, According to Art Review

a house on fire in the middle of nowhere
Heather Benning, The Dollhouse, 2013

Currently on view at Rhodes’ Clough-Hanson Gallery is  “de|constructing home,” comprised of video, drawings, and photographs that examine the relationship between the physical structure of the house and the idea of home.

“I regularly receive emails from galleries or museums about upcoming exhibitions, usually accompanied by an image, but those missives and pictures don’t always prepare me for what a show will actually look like,” writes  Fredric Koeppel in a review of the show. “That element of surprise is gratifying — ‘Whoa, so this is what’s going on!’ – because it’s good to have our expectations upended. ‘de|constructing home’ had that effect.”

The review is published in The Commercial Appeal. Read more

The exhibition includes a reading and resource space organized by the Mellon Student Fellows at Rhodes  and offers a variety of books about home and place as well as those feelings about home. The show runs through Feb. 27.