Fun Facts about Rhodes History

You may think you know just about everything when it comes to Rhodes College, but were you aware of any of these trivia facts?

1. Barret Library is the third library we’ve had since moving to Memphis. The first two libraries were in Palmer and Burrow halls.


2. President and Mrs. Troutt, along with the trustees serving at the time of construction, all signed the final beam of the Barret Library.


3. The Lynx Lair used to be located in the basement of Neely Hall (connected to the Rat) and then was later moved twice, once to what is now the bookstore and finally to its current location in the Bryan Campus Life Center.


4. From 1992 to 2013, the Frazier Jelke Science Center housed an animatronic dinosaur given by the Pink Palace Museum.


5. Up until the mid 60s, Rhodes freshmen were required to wear bonnets or beanies for the first six weeks of school, as well as a sign with their name and hometown.

For more information about Rhodes traditions and campus history, visit the Rhodes College Archives at